Exopolitics; Insight.
-[DataJY]- ©2011.
Intertwined with exotic-technology inkling analysis from Crop Circles, Exopolitics is the emerging field of study of the implications of possible contact between Earthlings and Outer Foreigners (Extraterrestrials).
- The word “Exo“ (from Greek) refers to the exterior,
the outer, the external part.
- Politics (from Greek) is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions. Applied to behavior within civil governments, It refers to the regulations, methods and tactics used, and to formulate and apply policy relations with other entities (Nations).
The expression “Exopolitics” assembles the general guidelines and behavior of executives, as Earthling Representants, for conducting relations (communications) with Outer Foreigner Representants.
The first step is to establish those guidelines, regulations, methods, articles and axis of discussions. However, actually we have no basis on which to establish those in the first place. What subjects would be relevant talking about with them? Besides, who is going to speak for earthlings? Who could communicate in the name of our entire population? Who would be rightfully endorsed to act as Earth Civilization Ambassador? Obviously, this is putting the carriage before the horse. We are getting way ahead of ourselves on that issue right now.
- The protagonists.
It is absolutely evident outer foreigners are superior to earthlings. They are more advanced than we are in technology and psychology. They are utilizing means and methods that are difficult for us to comprehend. Therefore, the primary task before us is to try and grasp what type of civilization we are encountering. We can do that by using science for interpreting notions and principles that are emanating from their vehicles, and from the close operations they are performing. From that angle, there is quite a lot of information since 1947. This is the work I have done drawing The A.M.V.C Model (ethnological model). Based on empiricism, it portrays humanoids anthropological evolution that might have occurred on a planet, in a distant solar system. As an acceptable probability, this model or prototype presents a valuable template for a starting point. We can get an idea of why and how they are busy here. A reference table for outlining pertinent questions and inquiries. For analyzing their position, their organization, their system (Regime), even their culture, and to experience the gap between our civilization and theirs. This procedure is fundamental for being able to lay down articles and axis of discussions prior to defining any type of communication.
The same kind or work should be done about us earthlings also. What are the common points between all the ethnics and cultures on our planet? What are our most advanced technologies? What are the predominant activities our people is involved in? What exactly is our position, as a civilization in this totally new context of interplanetary relation? What are we aiming at in the evolutionary progression? What is our goal? This interrogation about ourselves is absolutely essential because it is perfectly understandable they will not be interested in exchanges, stocks, and markets. We have no energy resources to offer, no exceeding nutriments inventory, and no technology to submit. In fact, it is more than likely any interaction would be established on much different basis. From what we can see in the 70 years history of the modern phenomenon (1940 - 2010), they do not need a thing from us! If they do, they go ahead and pick it up themselves (maybe various samples or mineral ions). Their usual activities can be assembled together into some kind of Close Operations, and regarded as parts of an advanced planetary sociology program. Monitoring, probing various layers of our societies, infrastructures and institutions.
Once both civilizations and positions carefully examined, we need to outline several elements that would be suitable for establishing a communication on. A purpose which somehow will be interesting and valuable to the entire population on our planet.
- The Method.
Activities pertaining to this project should not be held in secrecy.
Outer Foreigners themselves made it perfectly clear they will not act in concealment. By refusing to utilize the electromagnetic waves (SETI), and by continuing to set up Crop glyphs right beside the Chilbolton antenna, it is unmistakable they wish to communicate openly. Since they have the hand at all times, there are criteria we must comply with.
I think it is accepted this is the method to be utilized for communicating with them. Technical and coded glyphs, set up as Crop Circles next to and around those they draw themselves. This has been undergoing for a long period of time (at least from 1980). And the attention is already there.
Of course, we will be learning a lot while proceeding further into communications. Still, initial guidelines should be defined.
An official structure should be set up and established as the Organization or Comity being responsible for the Communication Program. Under what existing legal entity would this group be constituted? The U.N.? The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)? The European Union?
For example, The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is an office responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. In reality, it is slowly creating a system of laws promoting the exact same system existing on the Earth (legal property and exploitation of resources).
Honestly, I think none of these organizations carries humanism principles, and none speaks for everyone on the planet.
On the other hand, the Transnational Institute (TNI) was established in 1974 as an international network of scholar activists and researchers committed to critical analyses of the global problems of today and tomorrow. Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, it aims to provide intellectual support to movements struggling for a more democratic, equitable and environmentally sustainable world. Throughout its history, it has always endorsed and helped grassroots movements. It brought together and catalyzed many networks. From national liberation movements in 1970s and 1980s to those comprising the global justice movement more recently. Thirty-five years on, TNI’s founding spirit of engaged scholarship in the service of progressive, transnational social movements remains as lively as ever. Its foresightedness, capacity to produce high calibre research materials for popular and official audiences alike, and its credibility with the important movements of our time makes it an exceptionally valuable institute, think-tank and public resource in the field of humanism.
Maybe this is the kind of organization under which a Comity responsible for the Communication Program With Outer Foreigners could be constituted! It would benefit from independence, autonomy and a network of specialists in all essential fields worldwide.
- The resultants.
The public should be aware and even participate in the redaction of particular messages. Responses should also be made public, maybe by sending it to several renown Newspapers.
Problems will certainly arise between Nations on our planet. Some will probably try and operate on their own. A consensus will be difficult to reach and to maintain. As the program will progress in time, many will eventually join up. Beforehand, judicious efforts should be made for establishing the Comity on solid grounds right from the start.
The impact on our population is a very important part of this project. Consequences should be anticipated and pertinent reactions must be implemented in the public relation network. While most people are open minded and even anxious toward some kind of “contact”, many might experience serious and unexpected difficulties afterward. Cultural background is an integrated pattern of knowledge that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning: Adaptation is crucial. When confronted with drastically different pattern, the cultural shock is a reality of major importance.
Dedicated efforts should be made for constructing and testing appliances from technical information received as responses or communications. This part of the program is of major importance because it translates into concrete applications the information from communications. We are already receiving a considerable number of technical inklings, clues and suggestions embedded in Crop Circles. Then it is likely we will receive more. Efforts we make in applying those devices and principles will certainly be monitored and regarded as genuine attempts for improving our situation. A team of scientists and technicians should be put together and encouraged going further into that direction.
- Conclusion.
In general, a Communication Program With Outer Foreigners (by means of Crop Circles) and a Comity supervising it is certainly a pertinent project. One that may reveal itself considerably more significant than we can anticipate at this time. This has the potential of opening creative domains of activities for decades ahead. However, it is also equally serious and it has important repercussions, both immediate and afterward. There are essential steps to follow and I have outlined here those I consider fundamental.
Once an official Comity is constituted, and representants are selected and assigned, internal organization and network is set up,
- The first phase is to examine both civilizations, and draw a picture for allowing to identify prominent elements which will form a basis on which to establish communications. We have many statistics on our own civilization. Outer Foreigner civilization can be analyzed from an anthropological model reflecting circumscribed probabilities, as an initial reference point.
- The second phase is to take the prominent elements and to write guidelines, regulations, methods, articles and axis of discussions.
Then, the Communication Program With Outer Foreigners (by means of Crop Circles) will be equipped for beginning operating.
I think it is imperative to act now. Because the communication is already effective from their part. Discussions about the reality of the phenomenon is irrelevant. One needs to be blind for not recognizing the unique opportunity in history our people is encountering! We must get at this right now, we will adjust with the responses we get.
-[DataJY]- ©2011.
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