Earthling’s Psychological Confinement;
Transparent Blinds.
Transparent Blinds.
-[DataJY]- ©2010.
There are three (3) factors shaping a human being’s development: the genetics, the family supervision, and the society itself (culture/history). On the Earth, the Regime has always been restricting people’s views and understanding to materialism and economic concerns. Aside from that, violence and myths have been predominant throughout the history. Earthling’s Psychological Confinement prevents them from envisioning a different yet realistic system, Regime, culture, or history. It is a limited dimension of considerations narrowing everything down to materialism: consumption of goods, our next pay check, next year’s interest rates. We barely consider further ahead of that.
To address in this context the subject that we are not alone in the universe becomes rather arduous. Many people are more inclined to pick up on fictitious stories, probably because they know deep inside those are not real at all and that way they have control. They are secured.
We sit down and watch TV shows whether it is news bulletin, soaps, movies, advertisements, it is all pre-configured for us. Nothing changes. When we look at the ‘60s movies and TV shows, there is nothing much different from nowdays (2010). Our interiors, layouts, furniture, appliances, occupations, habits, mostly everything stills the same. Maybe with just a little more sophisticated gadgets.
The historical culture of violence is embedded in our way of life so much that we can not walk alone just about anywhere, day or night. Myths we surround ourselves with comforts our mentality with dogmatic notions we do not need questioning. This mental environment we live inside pretends to provide everything we need to know. It would be perfect! The problem is those people who dare look outside of that mental confinement, they discover something very much different.
We were told our planetary system is the exception in the universe, unique. And we were told life requires extraordinary conditions to develop which simply can not exists elsewhere. However, for at least 70 years now (1940 - 2010) people everywhere on our planet have been seeing and reporting visitors! Astronomers have been finding planetary systems every year for the last 10 years! 500 planets outside our planetary system have been registered so far. Planets are found only in planetary systems (sun/star). Considering the number of stars in our galaxy, this means there may be a billion planets like our Earth! Science people are finally admitting life is very easy adaptable, there are living organisms in almost every type of conditions one can find! Whether in warm, cold, acid, or alkaline environment, life always emerges as if the universe was a mechanism meant for producing life (metabolism).
Personally, I do respect very highly everyone’s intimate belief. Mythology (religions), Philosophy (perception), Materialism (consumption of goods, wealth), Humanism (life conditions). Those are not even topics for discussions. However, one concept must bring us all together: Ecology (respect of life in general).
It is under the light of ecology that we are driven to consider ourselves in terms of a civilization, instead of multiple societies. The many ethnological differences that are present here are bringing as much variety inside this large unity. Even if our Official Institutions are not recognizing it publicly, and although it is rather laborious to accept, the presence of that cultural diversity here on the Earth is not normal (anthropology). The A.M.V.C. Model shows quite clearly that one solar system (in the right conditions) produces only one humanoid species. Thus, our cultural diversity might be a major advantage we have on the Earth, as Earthlings. If we just can come all together!
The fact that our civilization is being visited (and we can even assume we are under some kind of supervision), it places us Earthlings into a context of a larger community: a cosmic community. Though this concept is very far from our usual perception, it is a seriously high probability. Because outer foreigners shutting down nuclear missile silos is not a fantasy at all! There are significant reasons behind those actions.
In addition, when we dare examine seriously the elements we can extract from observations (outer foreigner’s vessels, close operations, techniques, genuine crop circles), everything leads to conclude these civilizations are extremely advanced. For establishing a reference point, as an idea about how many years they are in advance compared to earthlings, we can consider the physiological transformation they went through. The thin pointed chin they have (as a common denominator) is a result of their nutrition habits. The mastication muscles around the lower facial part (mandible, mouth) have modified themselves (atrophied) because they were not solicited anymore. As a natural response, such a physiological modification to take place requires at least 3000/5000 years (biology). It is fair to presume that major change to their nutrition habits occurred sometime after the establishment of their technological era (for having the means to proceed with that). Our civilization is about 8000 years old at least (2010 years from now to J.C., + 5500 years from J.C. to Egyptian 1st Dynasty, + 1000 years to Sumer). However, if it started in 1800 after J.C., our technological era is only 200 years old. Consequently, we can estimate outer foreigner’s technological era is about 3000 to 5000 years (+/- 200 years) ahead of earthling’s. That is quite a lot! [see note 1 below]
We are very young, stubborn, inexperienced. We are being visited, our civilization is under supervision by elders who are probably 3000/5000 years ahead of us in technology. Maybe we are being fostered and this is a blessing! Because we are not left alone in this vast universe.
There is a lot of work ahead for next generations. And there is time. There is no “end of the world”, no major cataclysm awaiting for us. Come on, let’s get serious! The real thing is our civilization will have to face and solve the ecological crisis that is at our doorstep right now. And this is no easy task! Presumably, this is a normal phase every civilizations are encountering in their progression. We must simply focus on the Aquarius Era, educate the youth, and give them the means to proceed with the modifications they will need to put in place. In that matter, the “private property” (claims) on strategic technologies is totally inappropriate, because it will chain and prevent those essential modifications to take place. Sharing is the key. Organizations working in the field of humanism must find ways to familiarize the richest people on our planet with the present situation. Efforts must be concentrated at making those people aware, and getting them involved, because they have the means.
- As per Earthlings;
There is only 1 conspiracy, and it does not come from outer foreigners:
- As per Outer Foreigners;
The situation is clearly summarized here:
- And there are 3 fields of studies,
in which it is worth investing time and efforts:
1- Genuine Crop Circles (carefully examined since 1980) [Communications],
2- Disclosure program [Transparency],
3- Exopolitics project [Learning].
-[DataJY]- ©2010
1- If we take into account outer foreigners who were involved in earthling’s ancient history (-10 000 to -40 000 years), the gap (advance) is even greater. Because at that time they were already far ahead into genetics.
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