The NaCl Operation.

Projects and designs a people is able to accomplish as a group, as a community, as a society, as a civilisation, are characterised by its level of knowledge, its level of technology, its level of understanding and comprehension. Consequently, the type of actions a people perform illustrates its eminence.
This sort of civilisation (referring to the AMVC Model) is capable of doing things that we find difficult to accept, that we may find mysterious, all in all appearing staggering to our segregated minds. Some civilisations did leave structures on our planet, traces and marks, evidently even on Mars, most probably elsewhere inside our solar system. Why ? What can we sort out from those ? Again, it is a long work. An extensive study throughout the work of other individuals, requiring gathering, analysis, comparing and verifying their many findings.

Someone, among those who did put great efforts to get a realistic picture about what was happening, came up with an amazing summary that still is the only logical explanation yet. Henri Bordeleau was interested to a singular aspect of the phenomenon, between 1950 and 1979.

[ Édition du jour ; Québec, 1966 / Nefer ; Québec, 1970 ]

In this period, groups of 10 to 20 Outer Foreigners were arriving into the Earth’s magnetosphere assembled in a comet like shaped formation. Near the atmosphere, they were spreading out and went in different directions. It looked like a comet explosion entering the atmosphere. But there was no comet at all. The following days, foreigner’s usual vessels were seen near cities. Other different and peculiar vehicles were spotted at night far from there, causing all sorts of electromagnetic effects, around certain lakes and particular sites. About a week or so later, a huge triangular "thing" was seen leaving our atmosphere. Henri Bordeleau wanted to know what all that was about. He did a broad study on every cases related to this type of event.

Here is what his findings did lead us to comprehend.

In the Outer Foreigner’s society, the requirements of basic materials are not very high. They constantly re-use the same metals. Their method of integral recycling admirably respects the natural balance of the ecosystem. They do not insert anything in the medium and do not withdraw anything from it, in order to preserve the proportion of the elements, which maintain the harmony of the exchanges within the ecological cycle. They handle and transform the matter according to their needs. In agriculture, a complex procedure for rotation of crops makes it possible for the soil to continuously renew its organic matter. When they must extract raw material, the ion exchange technique takes atoms of the element in question directly, one by one, without disturbing the medium. Specific circumstances compel them to extract elements from other planets. A situation of local shortage occurs when the surplus is exhausted. Taking away elements would lead to a chemical unbalance in the medium. It is not quality in the composition of elements, which they are seeking, but rather the existence of a surplus within an ecosystem. Considering the extremely long time for the natural renewal of the matter, new sites must regularly be identified. The fact of being able to reach extremely distant places, planetary systems for example, represents a major advantage for them.

In spite of its customary aspect, "salt" bears a priceless value. It is absolutely essential to the physiological metabolism. Humanoid blood contains a tenth of an ounce of salt. Moreover, salt constitutes the raw material for all chemical compounds containing chlorine and sodium. Chlorine is obtained by the electrolysis of sodium chloride. In gas state or dissolved in water, it has a great chemical activity. Chlorine is combined with other elements to constitute a multitude of chemical assemblies. By its affinity toward hydrogen, it acts like an oxidant. It is a powerful disinfectant. On the other hand, the handling of chlorine is risky, hazardous, dangerous. It is the same about sodium. A white and soft alkaline metal very widespread in nature in the chloride state (sea salt and rock salt) and nitrate. As it strongly reacts with the humid air producing caustic elements, its handling is inconvenient. Chlorine and sodium are two extremely important elements but which represent a considerable toxic potential for the operators and the environment. However, coupled together in the form of sodium chloride (NaCl: salt), they become inoffensive. Both elements are found as natural compounds in the form of rock salt, or halite. Salt contains sodium chloride in a more or less pure state. The transport of chlorine and sodium thus combined is understandingly much easier.

Salt appear as cubic crystals, often agglomerated out in a kind of reversed pyramid shape. In an ionic substance like sodium chloride, each sodium ion is also dependent on six chloride ions, which form part of the same aggregate, as well as the central sodium ion. In addition, each chloride ion is also related to six sodium ions, which must also belong to the same aggregate. In fact, all the ions of the crystal form only one unit, or a giant molecule. [To be strictly accurate, the term "molecule" cannot apply to ionic solids] The diagram of the points characterising the arrangement of the atoms in a crystal is known by the name of Crystal Network. The crystal network extends in all directions, from the geometric standards of symmetry, such as the axes, the plans and the centre of symmetry. In the description of a crystal network, it is enough to consider the smallest part, called elementary mesh, which constitute the basic structure, which reproduces regularly in the three dimensions. The sodium chloride crystallises naturally according to this cubic system but it is possible to obtain it in octahedral crystals. It naturally adopts the tetrahedral form: a salt pyramid. When the Outer Foreigners need sodium and chlorine, they are compelled to carry it in the combined state of sodium chloride.
Outer Foreigners are seeking the star systems having sites (planets) which contain potash (potassium) and magnesian (magnesium) salts as a surplus. These are always mixed with rock salt. The taking away of this matter is a big scale operation making use of several types of "equipment". The ion exchanger machine is accountable for picking up the ions. The carrier is a 20 feet wide vimana equipped with side transmitters for local hoist radiation. Four of these transmitters are distributed on each side, on the top of the vimana and four others below. The mother-vessel is an enormous vimana able to store and transport several 20 feet vimana. The head-vehicle is a technical vimana especially arranged for the procedure. Its crew supervises and manages the operations.

Prior to the departure, the selected vehicles get into the magnetosphere of their planet. The ion exchanger machines and the carriers integrate the compartment inside the mother-vessels. Once the fleet is assembled, the mother-vessel join up two by two, belly against belly. They are maintained together by the harmonisation of their hoist field. The coupled vehicles thus joined together go to reach the other ones in the same manner forming up a spherical grouping. The twinning of the hoist radiation from each vehicle maintains this flight formation.

The two head-vehicles place themselves one above and the other below the flight formation. All vehicles synchronise their hoist radiation, which they place under the control of one head-vehicles. The flotilla thus grouped answers the control of the front head-vehicle’s pilot. It is him that manoeuvres in block the flight formation.

The grouping leaves the magnetosphere toward the suitable cosmic inflection.
Once arrived, the front head-vehicle’s pilot activates the mass inversion and inserts the fleet on a vector perpendicular to the magnetic axis of the cosmic contraction. The voyage can take weeks, probably months. When the point of reintegration to the cosmos has been reached, normal polarisation is restored. The fleet reintegrates the cosmos to move towards the star system where they wish to gather the chlorine and sodium surpluses. The fleet resembles a rushing meteorite.

Reaching the targeted magnetosphere, the pilots break the formation.
Each head-vehicles moves towards a pole (south and north) of the planet, in an orbit from where they supervise the operations.

The mother-vessels release the ion exchanger machines and the carriers in the atmosphere, then join the magnetosphere in waiting position.

The carriers adopt a geostationary orbit in high altitude.

Meanwhile, the ion exchanger machines go to the places that are rich in rock salt and fly over the natural brines sowing the ion exchangers.

The ion exchanger machine is assembled on an electro-anti-gravitation frame. It is an apparatus with flat bottom having an inflated back. Its function proceeds by two stages. The first consists in slowly flying over the sites to deposit the ion exchangers. A certain period of time is required so that the ion exchangers store sufficient matter. Then, the exchanger machine is going back to collect the exchangers full of ions. It stabilises itself above the site. Panels open from the ventral floor. Dangling below are several magnetic "bands" which collect the ion exchangers. The operation requires the deployment of strong electromagnetic power.

Several apparatuses of this type visit the sites. Once filled up, the machines go up in altitude where the carriers await them. The carriers use their local hoist radiation transmitters to remotely grab the sodium chloride ions from the exchanger machines. The purification of the ions rejects harmless compounds into the atmosphere. A thin rain of inoffensive grey dust which desegregates quickly before touching the ground. The carriers gather the sodium chloride ions by maintaining the matter around them with their local hoist radiation. The ions are agglomerated in a giant molecule, an ionic aggregate, until it gradually constitutes a tetrahedral pyramid.

As the machines come and go, collecting and delivering their freight, a crystal takes form around each carrier. Once a pyramid is made up around each carrier, they join up belly against belly with their cargo to form a double pyramid. Then, all the carriers gather together, with their double pyramid, to form a single crystal, a giant pyramid, maintained in cohesion by the combination of hoist radiation.

Then, the ion exchanger machines reintegrate the compartment inside the mother-vessel. The head-vehicles meet belly against belly at the top of the huge salt pyramid. The mother-vessels place themselves in tandem on both sides of the head-vehicles and at the four other ends of the big pyramid.

The flotilla is gathered within the giant crystal that floats in high altitude above the planet.

Giant crystal made with multiple double-pyramids joined together.

Image of a "giant crystal", hovering in the high atmosphere, seen from the ground.

All the vessels synchronise their hoist radiation, which they place under the control of the front head-vehicle. The pyramid, like a gigantic vessel, leaves the orbit and moves towards the cosmic inflection for the return voyage.

When the fleet arrives near their planet’s magnetosphere, the reversed process takes place. The exchanger machines collect the ions from around the carriers and go drop them in a warehouse. The come and go continues until all the carriers are released from the crystals. The ionic crystals are gathered in aggregates in the warehouse.

As a result, many small sodium and chloride pyramids are aligned in lines.
Outer Foreigner's society then have an abundant sodium and chlorine provision.

We did name the above activity "The NaCl (sodium chloride) Operation".

If we take some time and think about this,
And consider the ancient history on our planet,
We can grasp that there is a lot more behind this!

We uncover the meaning of the "pyramid" symbol.
Consequently, we know why ancient pyramids are standing on the Earth…

This is one example of what I mean by saying:
"Outer Foreigner Phenomenon is much deeper than looking at ufo pictures".

-[DataJY]- ©2006

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Outer Foreigners Vimana

I find it absolutely fascinating to analyze how the pilot is reacting and operating, by examining carefully the movements of the craft (vimana).

No doubt they are monitoring a large part of the sector while in flight, because they are responding to people utilizing a video camera (adjusted positioning). Often times they slow down and change course. When the event is more or less isolated and the subject/witness is calm enough, the pilot maneuvers the vimana toward the camcorder. More than that, they operate in function of what is in the viewfinder! The movements the craft makes shows clearly the pilot is able to actually see what the cameraman is seeing. To do that, one of their sensor-rays are tuned to the video signal inside the camera, between the CCD pick-ups and the viewfinder monitor. It picks up that signal and displays it on a screen inside the vimana for the pilot to look at it. With that, he can move his craft slowly to the left waiting for the witness to pan and follow. Then he does the same to the right.

Example (adjusted positioning):
See the video at the end of this text.

Moving very slowly or just standing there for minutes while being video recorded shows how much they are in control, they have the hand. Both takes showing them vessels accessing mass inversion state and disappearing to our visual senses (wavelengths) are certainly intentional. Like would do a movie director, they wait precisely the moment when the shot is perfect: not too far, not too close, in focus, the camera not oscillating, quite standard framing.

A laser beam is reflected by the topology of the site, or by any object. This could be utilized for mapping an area like our satellites are doing on planets. However, outer foreigners have much better means for that purpose. Depending on the changes in wave length to the reflected part of the beam (returned signal), they can be measuring components in the soil and vegetation. It is always difficult to discern what it is exactly they are probing and recording because we do not perform those types of operations. When the laser beam flashes bright on the camera lens, it means they are directly pointing at it. Again, they know they are being video recorded and they let us know that. This is a form of interaction!

Of course with their technology, they could avoid being spotted and always remain hiding or leave long before anyone comes near. Being perfectly aware outer foreigners are totally allergic to sudden unexpected occurrences, unforeseen outcomes, I do understand they have a natural tendency to control and to plan everything down for reducing the number of probabilities. Thus, the real video shots are voluntary contributions from their part.

Since real occurrences happen unexpectedly (on the witness part), the camera does not stand on a tripod. The image is severely unstable (even more when zooming very close). But the “object” itself is perfectly stable on the picture frame. The three (3) dimensional positions and environment: the Background (clouds) always remain behind the “object”, the Foreground (trees) always remain before the “object”, and therefore, the Object location is consistent. Because the “object” is a vessel, it has a Mass and an Inertia. Regardless what kind of propulsion is utilized, it has to struggle with the mass. This means a vessel can not stand nor translate at low speeds absolutely motionless. Especially while hovering. Constant adjustments has to be applied (compensations), no matter how small they are. Piloting these vessels is like operating a helicopter, which is inherently unstable, except theirs is done by computers. Therefore, the “object” oscillates slightly up and down, and to the sides. Because the camera is unstable (sadly), this is often times difficult to discern, though it is always there. Also, the vessel will bank a little right and left, and readjust regularly as if it was trying to stay horizontal on a needle. This attitude is very different than an object being suspended by a string (on the top), the oscillations would be inverted. The inertia is the tendency of an object (mass) translating to keep on moving in the same direction. It can be seen as a “resistance” to change its direction. A vessel at low speeds will show a curve as it is modifying its trajectory (turning) or its altitude (up and down). It will not invert suddenly its direction of translation. Translation at ultra-high speed is very different. And since it requires advanced technological details, lets only consider the transition from low to ultra-high speed, and vice versa. When a vessel suddenly changes to ultra-high speed from slow speed, it goes away in a straight line or a constant curve, and its size reduces correspondingly to the distance. The disappearing (fading out) of the vessel is very laborious to explain as well (mass polarity inversion). Lets only consider that there must be no alteration to the image (frames, pixels), like pasting and erasing. The pixels definition remains unaltered. And since the electromagnetic effects are affecting the camera pick-ups (CCD), it is adding to the confusion. [This is the reason why films (no CCD) are the best] Finally, the “faint halo” surrounding the object shows a rotating composition. I know what direction a current is going inside an electromagnetic field, this is pure physics, thus the rotation has to correspond with that. These five (5) elements are extremely difficult to simulate. Only huge complex computers (like those utilized in weather forecast) could model all these at the same time, in a manner that it would be practically impossible to sort it out. And these are not available to freaks (hoax creators)!

Video shots of real outer foreigner’s vimana and probe are very rare. Only expert’s eyes can spot those among the vast quantity of hoaxes. To the best of my abilities, only those I suggest here are presenting each and every characteristics to real outer foreigner vimana.

A- Display of presence (China):

B- Responding to a cameraman (Milan):

C- Observing (France):

D- Just being seen (Argentina):

E- Display of presence:

F- Responding to a camera (Texas):

G- Caught probing a site (Italy):

H- Playing with the cameraman (Glasgow):

I- Display of presence (Nan Jing):

J- Transiting (Sarajevo):

K- Surprising the people (Bosnia):

L- Examining a building:

M- Laser-Beam (2010):

Addenda -[DataJY]- © 2011.
Since several communications (email) have been questioning how such a vessel could be piloted, I am publishing here my general response to that (For more details, see: The A.M.V.C. Model; Electromagnetic Field Drive Vehicle section).

Vimana craft Controls.

From a pilot’s point of view experienced with both fixed-wings and rotary-wings aircrafts,
Understanding the inherent dynamics in the EM Field Drive mechanism (electromagnetic properties: attraction/repulsion) and considering Maxwell’s equations,
Considering Lieutenant Plantier’s description,
In accordance with numerous accounts from witnesses,
controlling a vimana craft is very similar to operating an helicopter.

Though basic principles are extremely different in their nature, both results are similar: the main propulsion force acts downward directly below the craft.

- The helicopter has horizontal blades (horizontal plane) and its clockwise rotation creates lift (pushing downward). The rotation of the blades (horizontal plane) is maintained at a particular speed, which does not change. Adjustment to the blade's angle of attack (AoA) modifies the strength of the lift (pushing downward) so the helicopter climbs up, holds level altitude, and descend. Changing the angle at which the horizontal blades are turning on the axis (its plane), its inclination or tilt determines the direction of translation to the craft. When the horizontal rotation plane tilts forward, backward, to the right or left, the helicopter moves to the same direction. Because of the inherent inverse rotation reaction on the craft from the horizontal blades turning at high speed (the craft tends to rotate counterclockwise), there is a set of blades positioned on a vertical plane (to the back) for compensation to this rotation reaction by adjusting the blade’s angle of attack. Also, adjusting these vertical rotating blades makes the helicopter turn right or left more precisely. Thus, there are three main controls: 1- The Lift (Collective, or up and down), 2- The Direction of translation (Cyclic, or direction by tilting the entire craft), 3- The Compensation to the counter-rotation (Anti-Torque or pitch of the tail rotor blades).

- The vimana (coil-like mechanism) has a circular particle accelerator (like a ring) around a central pole and rotation of particles creates a miniature magnetosphere that reacts with any local magnetosphere (repulsing: pushing downward). The speed of the particles in the accelerator must be constant (light speed, electricity) for maintaining the miniature magnetosphere. Because the repulsion force or effect (acting downward and pushing upward) is constant by definition, a Damper-screen is positioned below the vimana craft. It functions like a diaphragm in a camera, but its diameter is adjusted rather than its aperture. This Damper-screen is acting as an attenuator to the repulsion force, it reduces its effect (damping) where it is positioned. When the vimana craft is on the ground and the particle accelerator is powered, the Damper-screen is set to its wider diameter (below the craft) and its attenuating effect is the strongest, so the repulsion effect is totally suppressed. Reducing the Damper-screen diameter allows more repulsion effect outward (below), so the vimana craft lifts up. Maintaining this configuration makes the vimana hold altitude. Sliding the Damper-screen forward allows more repulsion effect backward, the entire vimana craft tilts toward the front and translates in that direction. Because the repulsion effect is not centered under the vimana anymore, the intensity directly below is weaker. For maintaining altitude, the intensity of the repulsion effect must be increased, so the Damper-screen diameter is reduced a little more for compensation (increasing the repulsion effect below the vimana craft). Maneuvering the Damper-screen diameter (degree of attenuation) and position (direction of repulsion) under the vimana craft allows to control its attitude and speed. Thus, there are two main controls: 1- The Lift (Damper-screen diameter, or up and down), 2- The Direction of translation (Damper-screen position, or direction by tilting the entire craft). Compensation to the counter-rotation (Anti-Torque) is not required. This mechanism is acting like a gyroscope, it makes the overall structure of the vimana craft (nose) follow the direction of translation. However it can be made to rotate on itself (yaw) independently.

The major difference between an helicopter and a vimana craft is the effect of movement (translation) being applied to the entire content of the vessel (matter, on the atomic level). Everything that is situated inside the repulsion effect (miniature magnetosphere or repulsion field) moves together. Whether it is the structure, the passengers, cargo or equipment and stuff, everything moves the same way at the same time. Therefore, there is no difference between the force of gravity (resulting from acceleration and deceleration) acting on the vessel and its content. Also, the vimana craft is entirely automated (computerized), very little “human input” is required.

The above explains the very basics. Vimana craft (coil-like vessel) has many more properties (physics and plasma physics) allowing for its complex versatility. Those are more technical, they are explained in Maxwell’s equations and other works referring to electromagnetism.

Outer foreigners vimana is an outstandingly intricate vehicle, and to realize all its capacities anyone would be totally mesmerized (beside all technical instruments it is equiped with). Personally, I have the utmost admiration toward that vessel and its designers.

On the other hand, I do consider the greatest technological achievement earthlings have ever made (before the computer) is the helicopter craft. Sikorsky's design was so advanced he had to wait 20/30 years for the industry being able to actually manufacture essential elements for constructing the helicopter. Though limited in speed, this craft is inherently made for humanism purposes. Number of lives the helicopter has saved is unmatched. This is one thing earthlings can be proud of.

-[DataJY]- © 2011.

What are they working on?

In addition to discharging flashes of light (light radiation), lately Outer Foreigners have been seen releasing "things" into the atmosphere. Some are streams or groups of spheres (acting like Brownian motion) and segments of material (Wiener Sausage), others look like flares.

What could these things be for?
Those "flares" are certainly producing a chemical reaction of some sort. The flare itself is a chemical reaction. What are they reacting with? Or why are they reacting? What is the result of that reaction? Are they sweeping the atmosphere in some ways?

-> Video <-